
In honor of Labor Day ... Have you ever felt like a cog?

by  |  earlier

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I used to be a hue man

until one tomorrow centuries ago

I befell unto the alchemist

who eyed me with a dividing eye

and morphed my personal

& local extremities into parts of

a grander design

Then I found out that it mattered not

the tint of my covering

only that I performed

strenuously without emotions

Should I get up from this

weld spotting spot

neck splitter bench

top sorting bin

pre-fab water dripper

soot sugar corner

de-feathering post

pre-injection station

widget workline

cubicle dwelling

would I be better than

a sweet potato root

mashed, blazed, glazed

and sent off as a side dish

to add a little color to an otherwise dull meal?

The Alchemist say’s - This is not my merger

But if you’ll scream quietly

I’ll apologize yesterday just as long as

you lay bro’

I, Cog refused the shape

offered by the press

and accepted dejure the slightly

defective label because

my parts sometimes


Now housed in a

perplexing penta

with too many sides to count

No matter how rightly you counted them

with life & liberty in the balance

I’m still on the losing end

The machinery is just set that way

However I still remembered me

in the friction

that is life




  1. I stumbled smoothly through the words in the middle, and I friggin' loved it.

  2. I'm glad you, COG, refused the shape

    and that you still remember you.

    I pray the day will come

    that you won't still feel

    on the losing end.


  3. Gorgeous, like you.  


  4. Thank you Ron !

    The Bible says "ASK and you shall receive". Well I asked and I recieved!         I  Like It !!

    I rather felt more like the loose nut myself !

    Still do, come to think of it....

    Ah well it takes all of us nuts, cogs, bolts and screws to make life frictious and fractious !

    Give us some more.. soon.

  5. The cog is not a loser when it comes to poetry. Neither is he a robot; he writes like a poet and a warm, human being.

  6. For me it's more the tint of the pili growing from atop my head. And I personally refuse to accept this slightly defective label because "clueless-ness" is no better than the ignorance that labels it.

    Scream quietly or whisper at the top of your lungs, but keep on remembering YOU.

    YOU are amazing ... and wonderful ... and worth so much more than any friction this life holds...

    although I bet you'd make one h**l of a sweet potato pie ... of course that may just be a marshmallow flashback from earlier today ...

    Ah fergit it ... just be sure and meet me at 11pm and we'll drink and smore's away the whole damm thing. And for a few brief, blurry hours we Cog, will no longer be on the losing end of Alchemy... no sir ... but rather perched gracefully between the life and liberty we were promised … and for that small moment in time … it will be ours.

    Peace … * hiccup * ... to you.

    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

  7. Everyone looks surprised

    you don't seem ugly

    As they have all assumed

    before encountering you

    Maybe they should have paid

    more attention

    Then perhaps they'd have seen

    the beauty

    Was there all along, just waiting

    for willing ears

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