
In honor of MLK's famous speech or to be like the Greek Gods?

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The backdrop for Obama's acceptance speech today includes columns which mimic Greek temples. These columns also mimic the Lincoln Memorial, which is where MLK gave his famous speech (and today is the anniversary of this famous speech). So which is it? Is it to honor MLK's famous speech or is it to be more "God-like" as some right wing pundits suggest?




  1. I can guarantee you this, it isn't so he can honor the memory of MLK like he wants everyone to believe.  

  2. He's just trying to look like God.

  3. No matter what background Obama choses, some Republicans would critize it.

    It only makes them look like  childish , whining, no class,   nitpickers.

    Maybe they  should  spend thier time trying to come up with a good background for McCain.  

  4. Right wings pundits are attempting anything and everything, including flat out making c**p up, to try and lessen Obama's appeal to Americans

    I guess when your candidate is a huge flip flopper and unpopular as well as out of touch that's all you have left

    Rush, Sean and the rest of them can't hanle that the country is going democratic this year and the desperation shows

  5. Unlike MLK, these are simply props from a wanna be politician without a purpose.

    As phony as the fake greek temple he will be speaking before...such a working class presentation!

    Sadly, arrogant, narcissistic, excessive, wanton, exaggerated, and full of hype!  The Greek and Roman Civilizations can be attributed to this ARROGANCE and their ultimate collapse in the pages of history.


    A Greek Tragedy in the Making...

    The authentic Liberal Elitist on display this evening.

    Reality Check:  Empty Suit

  6. The country is falling apart and the Right is whining about stage props? Geez....

  7. Obama trying to appear cult like to the pepsi generation.  He feels he is in JFK and MLK's league.  Ego can do that to a person.

  8. the greeks were the father's of democracy and what many consider western thought...

    it's probably little more than a nod to that... as the Lincoln Memorial was...

  9. Why would Obama want to appear God-like when us liberals don't believe in God?

  10. Evidently none of these pundits have paid much attention to the government architecture in Washington DC because all of it is based on Greek/Roman styles.

    And then there is the fact that they invented western culture.

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