
In honor of my birthday today..What is the best thing about a LEO?

by Guest32742  |  earlier

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Also..a little poll...what sign are you and whats the best thing about that?

Since you cant spank me for my sure can *star* me!!!




  1. who said i wanted to spank you   * here's your star

  2. I would say their loyalty I'm a virgo on the cusp of libra so the best about my two signs is that I'm loyal and considerate of others feelings a bit of  a pushover but whatever I know when to put the brakes on that  

  3. I'm a Leo.

    I HATE it when people go 'Leos have no feelings and they just have ego and want to be the center of attention' Like,does it annoy you that we want to be the center of attention?;are we a competition for you?

    Everything about us is the best,even the bad things,since it's unique for us.

    I am roud of being arrogant when I'm mad,I'm proud of being bossy and I'm proud of being me.

    Now here's the thing-

    I,the youngest in my group,am the leader,I didn't even know it was actually like that until my friend told me that I act like one when I asked her.I am charismatic,and it's all because I'm a Leo ;D

    You are all the same,you are just like me!

    That's the best thing about us,we love life :D

    We love every single day,when the sun rises and when it sets.

    We are the happiest signs,most shining and bright ones.

    That's it.

    Now for all the haters,you can thumb down me.

    I don't care.

    I see how mad you got from me finally telling the truth,and you know it.

  4. best thing about Leos is that they are fun and playful

    Best thing about my sign Cancer is that we are super loyal and caring

    happy birthday:-)

  5. Most Leo's I know are pretty generous. So I would say your generosity. (don't do the spanking thing but I gave you star for your b-day).

    I'm a Cancer and I'm laid back.  

  6. um, not sure anything about signs leos or even about my own but i do kno im a libria and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. hope you have a great one.

  7. You have very's so thick and golden.

  8. eww

  9. their modesty

  10. I'm a Leo too :)

    happy birthday!

    leos r funny!!


  11. Happy Birthday!

    Best thing about a Leo is they are fun!

    I am libra, the best thing about a libra is we are fair and balanced.

    Hope you have a GREAT day!

  12. Happy belated from one Leo to another. Leo's are generally giving and loyal friends. We love people and love to have fun. We can be quite tame but when we roar people listen. If someone tries to hurt the ones we love we become protective of them. Leo's have many positive qualities, but if I have to pick one of the best things, my answer would have to be loyalty.

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