
In how long should I start Running?

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Today I power walked on the treadmill for 45minutes like this I Power walked for 25min. then took a ten minute break then I ran for 20 more minutes. I want to know if I keep this up every day when should I start running it? I want to be able to run for longer so eventually I'll be able to run the mile in 6 and a half minutes.




  1. yes i think youre doing fine just dont take a break in between just bring a water bottle

  2. You can powerwalk as a warm up if you would like, than stretch out and run but I wouldn't use the powerwalking as your workout. Start off running for 2 miles and than add a little more every week (you shoulding increase by more than 10% every week). You can start running right now if you want , there is no reason you should wait. The sooner you start to run the sooner you can get running races. I would also not run on the treadmill all of the time either. Get out and run on the roads on find some good trails or parks to run in for a change. Good luck with everything.

  3. DONT WALK AT ALL THAT IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  stretch and then run

  4. just run 30 minutes every day, and gradually increase how fast you running those 30 minutes,

  5. it depends. if you are training for track or XC, then you should start running as soon as possible.  Not necissarily fast running, but still decent running, and slowly get faster.

    If you are trying to get in shape, or doing this for yourself, then try running when you feel ready.  If it feels okay, then just keep running.  When it starts to get uncomfortable or hurt, then just go back to power walking and then running.  (P.S, power walking is harder than running if you really try when power walking)

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