
In illinois is parking by non hanicapped legal in diagonal lines next to handicapped parking?

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in illinois is parking by non handicapped legal in diagonal lines next to handicapped parking




  1. no it's not legal and it's rude and selfish to boot.

  2. You have to park completely off the lines because those lines are for a vans side door to open and you would be in violation.

  3. no one is allowed to park in the areas marked by diagonal lines.  those allow room for handicapped people to maneuver.  if someone is parked there, it is fully within everyones rights to bash in their windshield with a baseball bat.

  4. Yes, those diagonal lines are there to give a wheelchair van plenty of room on the sides to deploy the wheelchair.

  5. It is not legal and  pretty stupid to do so.

  6. Diagonal lines represent a barrier.

    They are not to be parked in, this includes those in front of stores, by fire exits, and cross walks.

    Treat are to treated just like a concrete wall.

    This is something that gets me hot - people who do not know how to park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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