
In interviews mostly facing question is "Tell me about yourself" what is the procedure to answer this question

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"Tell me about yourself " how to start and ending the answer, I want to know the procedure. give some examples.




  1. step: 1 tell them where you grew up whether you where an only child and what you did with your siblings or what you did if you had none?

    step: 2 did you have an easy high- school experience was there a teacher espiecally liked or disliked?

    step: 3 did you go to college? what one? did you study anything in paticular?

    step: 4 are you married? do you have children where do you live now whats your house like what job do you have?

    step: 5 was your life easy going or buzzing and busy? end with so i guess im a pretty easy going/ busy person

  2. Earn money-

  3. Extreme is correct except you should not give your age.  It is also illegal for them to ask your age until AFTER you have been hired.  People who ask that inane question should be shot.

  4. BRIEF about yourself...

    I am ___ ___ (name) aged __ (years) having qualifications _____ and ___ (degree and technical ) started career as a____ (position), since last __ (years) working as a ____ (position). I have ____ , _____, ______ (family members like bro, sis, father etc.) staying at _____.

    You can rearrange the above in order as you like but +/- this is it.

  5. Doubtlessly, very important Question and very commonly, asked.

    Choose your words, to describe your self, in least possible words, in a sequence,  one by one, almost all what you would have pen down in your resume.

    With all the BEST.

  6. Please tell everything important about you. Tell everything relevant to the job;your education and any important incidece.Remember , this question gives you a good opportunity to present the best in you but you can land your self in problem if you are unnecessarily lengthy.If you talk too much & irrelevant , the interviewer can stop you at once,This question is asked even to check how boldly and cleanly you speak.

  7. Dear.yu close your eyes & seat sielance.its otomatically groing in our iner world. ok. men

  8. you have got your answer from extreme!The perfect answer!!!!

  9. It is very important question. The aim is to know  about you in your words. you should explain your traits such as :

    honest hardworking person. a good team player can work with mixed group. Self motivated

    I can analyse a problem for finding a sound solution and seek guidance . may be some negative aspect also  should be said  e.g get irritated , loose patience and  or like quiet working place .

  10. I have collected a video from  "you tube"   on the question raised by you.

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