
In-laws gross table manners?

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My family and I love to eat at a local wings place. My 17 y/o BIL *thinks* he is a wings connoisseur and constantly brags that he can eat the hottest they have. Yay.

Well, the truth is, he can barely handle the medium much less the hottest. Every time we go, he gets the hottest, and ends up making a huge scene and starts drinking other people's drinks. His mom actually held her drink up to his mouth for him - she even held up her straw so he could drink out of her drink. Not only was it gross - it was embarrassing.

My husband and I just looked away.

I know my table manners may not be perfect, but geez, that just really grosses me out. It bothers me that his mom evidently sees nothing wrong with "feeding" a 17 year-old.

Should my hubby say anything? What should we do/have done in that situation?




  1. what an idiot. Ignore him. DONT go out with them.

  2. Apart from the fact that I agree with you that their table manners are gross they are treating the capsaine acid taste problem wrong. You do not take liquids to eliminate the hot food sense. What you do is you take a piece of bread , roll it into  a soft ball and push it against your palate. It will absorb the capsaine acid which was left embedded in your taste buds. Next time your brother in law does his show you could perhaps recommend this and sweetly add: i hope this will serve you in future and save us embarrassment.  

  3. No, you shouldn't say anything.  Sounds like a goofy, if somewhat immature teenager, whose mother is indulging him.  If it bothers you so much, eat at places that don't serve wings.

  4. It's not your job to correct other people's table manners, just your own family, stay out of it, it's safer that way! lol.

  5. let it go and hope your own children do not act like that.

  6. I think you did the right thing.Just avoid going out with them in future.Dont mention the incident and avoid any confrontation.Best wishes

  7. If he reached for MY drink, I would move it away from him and inform him to drink from his own cup. Since you are all related, I wouldn't hesitate to let him know that it is time to work on his table manners.

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