
In lent, is poultry counted as meat?

by  |  earlier

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i know it sounds stupid, but poultry is bird. and when i was skiing with a friend she was eating chicken, and i reminded her that it was lent, and she got me confused!





  1. yes

  2. yes is considered meat, you can each fish, but i am catholic and always forget that on fridays you should not have any kind of meat, like chiken, turkey, hamm etc..

  3. yes, chicken is part of the list of meats that we are recommended to abstain from during lent.  in fact, older traditions also forbade eggs, which is basically a chicken's offspiring, giving rise to traditions like "pancake tuesday" or 'pancake day' on the tuesday before ash wednesday's so that women could use up the eggs and milk in the house.

    but, rules are a bit more lax now.  i think the eggs and milk are allowed so long as abstinence of the meats is observed.

  4. Chicken are warm blooded animals..

    Fish are cold blooded..

    Don't worry you won't go to heII.

    Lent is a season to reflect on the life of Christ before Easter the Resurrection..

  5. Going by the rules of the  catholic church ,meat includes chicken as well as lamb,beef ,pork,venison ,game meat etc.Fish however is not included in the above list .

  6. yes, fish and other sea foods are the food this lent season, although these are most costly than meat. try canned  sardines instead.

  7. It is meat.

  8. Chicken is meat. It is a land animal. It is not a fish, not a vegetable, not a fruit.

  9. don't take the word "meat" literally. you can eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, veal etc.

    it means don't indulge with the call of the flesh.

    it means no s*x during lent, not meat in your diet.

  10. Yes.

    Beef, pork, and poultry is counted as meat. Fish is not.

    With love in Christ.

  11. Yes

    I think your friend was trying to confuse you because she knew she was in the wrong. Tell her to go to confession and ask her priest.

  12. yes!  dumdum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. I was always taught that poultry is not considered meat, just as fish is not considered meat. Of course I did not grow up STRICT catholic.... but we did observe lent!

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