
In less than, 10 years all our cars will be electric, electricity produced by nuclear centrals, possible ?

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Oil will used only for Air , and Marine Transport , cost of Barils will be around 50 $

Do you believe in this scenario ?




  1. Nope I'm still gonna be selling natural gas and oil from my wells except .. Ill be gettn about $ 400 a BBL for oil and about 50 bucks for 1000cf of gas.. keep them checks a comin it.. the bill on my cap is sorta rounded now from lookin in my mail box for them.....!!!!!

  2. Predicting the future is always difficult if you had told someone in the 1890s that vehicles running on petroleum would replace horse drawn carriages, they would have laughed at you.

    Given the alternatives to nuclear power I can't see any large scale increase happening hydrogen, solar and wind are all easier and cheaper. Solar has run last for quite a few years but a number of new products are on the verge of release that will make them much cheaper.

  3. no the turn around cost from nuclear plants would be outragous hundreds of billions of dollars just to build plants  JUST to power our cars... dont forget schools,homes,stores,buildings and everything else that runs on electricity

  4. The shielding for radiation is much too heave .

  5. Nuclear fuel is not cheap today or any safer to mine than coal but if we stopped using other fuels and everyone wanted uranium, the cost for that fuel would skyrocket. The cost does not even include the lawyers fees to keep them out of court or any of the disposal fees that will be endless. And then there is the little problem of recycling the waste into plutonium and the probability that terrorists will be salivating over our stupidity. And of course, there is the little problem of where to safely dispose of it. There is a genuine reason that nobody can agree on a place to hide it ... forever.

  6. In 10 years there's no way that ALL of our cars on the road could be electric.  The average lifespan of a car now a days is about 17 years.  Also there are currently no electric cars being produced right now.  The only one I know of that's being developed is the Chevy Volt, which will hopefully be released in 2010, because I want to buy one!

  7. Not for a minute:

    - It will take a lot longer than ten years to make a significant increase in nuclear generating capacity.

    - Electric propulsion is unsuitable for long distance driving, or for large trucks at all.

  8. A lot of the power companies are switching over to wind turbines and solar farms. Nuclear is on its way out in the distant future, maybe 10 or 15 years.

    If we start using exclusively electric vehicles we will have expand power production 10 times. Because, just face it, americans will not conserve  energy. Energy that could be used to power these vehicles.

  9. The democrats are against nuclear power and with more Hispanics voting they will be the dominant party until the Chinese take over.

  10. There's still the problem of getting mobile power to these electric cars.  Battery technology may or may not have improved enough in that time.  If it hasn't, we'll have gone back to mass transit, which we probably should have stayed with.

  11. Nope.

    There are some jurisdictions that will not tolerate nuclear anything.

    In British Columbia for instance the government has even decided to disallow mining of uranium.

    Electric cars will require a substantial increase in generating capacity. Building millions of windmills won't meet the demand. If there are electric cars then why not electric planes and ships? Battery technology is dirty and takes too long to recharge.

  12. American`s are scred of nuclear power. it won`t happen

  13. The possibilities are limitless and nuclear power will be a factor.  A lot of older people and oil companies won't be that excited.

  14. Yes it is quite possible.

    CArs that run on electricity will bee released on the market soon and nuclear reactors provide a huge amount of energy. All what would need to happen is for the energy producd by nuclear power to be stored in batteries, and the nput into the car to power it.

  15. Nope.  Coal is used to produce 50% of electricity.  25% by nuclear.  It takes 10 years to build a nuclear plant in the US due to gov't and environmental controls that slow the process down.

    Only 18% of oil is used for electric generation. Numbers were taken from Fortune magazine 3 months ago in their Energy issue.

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