
In life, what makes a person a winner? A loser? ?

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I want to know because I want to be successful so my kids and family in the future don't have an failure father to look up to. I want them to have a good education and a nice home to live in. My older brother is wasting his time and not going to college, and instead going out every night to parties. Is that a loser? I need tips to really be a success in life for myself, my future wife, and my family? ( I'm still 14, but I want to know some tips. )




  1. Bloody h**l, 14?! Go watch a movie play some football and stop worrying! You;ll miss these idle days when your older.  

  2. $

    It probably shouldn't be that way, but it is.

  3. BEING american makes u a loser anything else makes u a winner

  4. Be what you want to be.  Sounds corny, but if you always follow what you feel you should, you will end up in a job you will love, which will make you happy no matter how much it pays.  

    If you are happy, I consider you a winner.

    Just be yourself :)

  5. To win you need  luck

    To win you need to be a pushy heartless b*****d (try and develope two personalities, the heartless backstabbing cut-throat b*****d in business, and the nice you for the wife and kids )

    To lose you need bad luck, but other than that, you dont have to do anything other than have a good time.

    Who can say which one is the loser and the winner.? The stressed out,  three times divorced  millionaire, the bitter pensioner who has worked all their life and realises that life has passed them by, or the wino under the bridge looking at a sunset through alchohol clouded eyes ?

    All paths are equal...they all lead to death. Make the most of the journey, be a good person, do what makes you happy.

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