
In life insurance,what are the big premium geting fields?

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  1. based upon your situation,I think you should find something useful here.

  2. Well, that's a loaded question.  My experience was that everyone I talked to needed more life insurance than they could afford any way.  

    Most of the upper crust wage earners buy mostly term and then invest the difference.  And, that's not the most profitiable client band.

    An average person needs 100k life insurance a lot worse than a multi millionaire needs a million dollar policy.  I worked in the insurance business for over 6 years and only sold one insurance policy for 1.4 million dollars.  So, I mad a lot of money on it, but if you spread it out over 6 years, it ain't much.  Fortunately, I turned in 3 to 12 applications average per week for smaller policies in the 10k to 150k range.  

    I always made a good living and helped a lot of people.  And, I always made MDRT, even the first year in the business.  Sell based on the need, no matter what the proffessional level.  You will make and honest living.  The rest will take care of it self.

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