
In light of several articles in the media this week should British law be changed to suit individual religions

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Since we are supposed to be a multi cultural society, shouldn't we respect other cultures laws and beliefs if they live in the UK.




  1. I think the UK bends over backwards to accommodate other cultures and religions, well some more than others, and to the detriment of our own culture and religion at times.

    No I don't think we can change any laws to suit the few that would wish we want Sharia Law to rule? I wouldn't want that.

    I would be off on the first plane out of here, and I wouldn't be the only one!

  2. shut up you fool....been reading the Guardian again ?

  3. No! Laws should are there to govern countries not religions, I'm all for others practicing their religion in this country but i think the law should be the same for every single person living in it. We'll end up with civil wars! And ther'll be an even bigger divide among the religions than there already is =]

  4. NO

  5. We already do respect other beliefs, we can't change our culture to suit, the culture evolves anyway. It could be argued we've an established Church but that hasn't caused problems for athiests for 100 years, why should it concern anyone else. In all intents and purposes we're a secular state and that's how it must be in a multi-culture.

  6. Which articles are you referring to?

  7. We do respect other peoples' religions but the Church of England is the Established Church of this country. There is no need to change that, despite the fact that we are multi cultural, a dogma that is becoming increasingly discredited.

  8. No, I think if we went down that route when is it ever going to end. There are so many religious nutters of one sort of another outside (and sometimes inside) the mainline religions to say nothing of the Druids, White Witches, and those crazed loons who turn up at Stonehenge.

  9. NO!!!!!

    Most non-whites who live in the UK have come here to ESCAPE the backward laws of their own countries.

    They are usually the most educated, enlightened ones who managed to get the h**l out of their god forsaken countries where they still live like it's the Middle Ages!!!

  10. Not at all - you abide by the laws of the country you choose to live in

  11. NFW.


  13. It has been acknowledged that multiculturalism doesn't work. It divides the nation. Culture and religion aren't the same thing. What you suggest is a recipe for dividing the country. All equal under the law, but one law, please/

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