
In light of the tv programme on BBC1 now do you think that the McCanns have grounds to sue Mark Warner Resort?

by Guest62040  |  earlier

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In light of the tv programme on BBC1 now do you think that the McCanns have grounds to sue Mark Warner Resort?




  1. If you are talking about the whistleblower prog about creches then no - their kid was not in the care of mark warner staff at the time of her disappearance she was left alone with her two younger siblings.

    No-ones fault but her parents.

  2. On what grounds specifically?

    K.I understand now.I would not think that possible as the night their daughter was abducted they had made their own baby checking arrangements.It would appear the outcome would have been the same had they used them anyway.

  3. No,

    Someone should sue them for neglecting their Children.

  4. For what?

  5. erm on what grounds? maybe if they had 'used' that 'service' but then again what right minded person would entrust 3 babies to a 'listening service'? that would not even be an option to me and everyone that I know!!! in fact its laughable!!! (well said Tim!! xx)

  6. What an eye opener that was last night, yes the McCanns should sue them, what a shocker.

  7. I think a lot of parents may be very worried but why have children if you are going to leave them with other people.  Your children are your own responsibility, i never would have left mine with strangers.

  8. No how can the Mc Canns sue them they never used their services they chose to leave them home alone.

  9. No...the negligence was all their own...

  10. No, are they after more money. They are both very greedy.

  11. How can they possibly sue Mark Warner for their own neglect?

    Any parent who quite happily hands their kids over to total strangers is asking for trouble.

  12. Mark Warner Resort offered them the service they just didn't want to accept, it was their OWN decision to neglect their OWN children.

    Anyway if there was any justice with MADELEINE they would be in jail and not able to try to make more money but be punished for their own acts, CHILD NEGLECTING.

    What is that, a rubbish despicable effort to make MORE money?

    I think they got more money taking advantage of a child's life then anyone did expect with the most bizarre thoughts.

    Just a thought, if they went there to have fun with their friends, why they didn't leave the children in the UK with their SO SUPPORTIVE family? Would be better for everyone, but maybe the family are not so supportive as we think and/or are just after the money as well.

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