
In line for a waterslide and you really need to pee, what to do?

by  |  earlier

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Do you find, when at the waterslide park and in line to go down a slide, that suddenly you have to pee.

I'll be honest - it happened to me twice this weekend - I held it as long as I could and finally got to the top of the line and went down the slide. When I got to the bottom little pool I couldn't wait any longer so I just peed in the water and quickly got out.

Have you ever done the same?




  1. Yupp.

    Well it's not like there is any other place to go

    Your not the only one.

    I guess it runs commonly with the name Sarah.

  2. Get out of line, twit. It isn't like the slide is going anywhere!!

  3. yes! TIP: 1st time going down, try 2 p while going down the slide, you might get noticed in te clear bottom pool

  4. I've never had that ...

    but i'd just go while going down the slide ,, :)

  5. ahah no

    but atleast you wait until you got to the pool and didnt go on the slide ^-^

  6. yep

  7. Yes.

  8. I think I did that was I was younger lol. I havent really been to a waterpark in a while so I dont really remember.

  9. YES! your not alone! =]

  10. whip it out and let it rip

  11. i would've went to the bathroom before i got in line. i'm not 3 years old, so i don't pee in pools.

  12. Nope. Poor you. :-/

  13. No.

    That's gross..

    They have bathrooms at waterparks for a reason.

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