
In love and can't get over my ex....?

by Guest63897  |  earlier

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My ex broke up with me two weeks ago (and I haven't talked to her since), and I am madly in love with her and don't know what to do. We went from talking about getting married and our future (her idea) to the next week her breaking up with me. We are both in our mid-twenties, so this is no typical high school or college relationship. I have had opportunities at dates and other women who are prettier, younger, etc.... but I truely love this girl and believe I have found everything that I could want in a partner. Anyone have any ideas on what I should do?




  1. OK on a for real note you should start looking at other options, I am not saying start dating someone tommorow but go out have a good time cause this ex of yours isnt the one if she was she wouldnt be out having a good time not thinkin about you, the break up was for a reason and in two weeks she has'nt tried talking it out with you then it probably isnt going to happen. I know when I was engaged and he left me I took a year off and after that I realized I was ready for a commitment and I found the man of my dreams we were together for 7 years and had a futured planned together also but he passed away on Easter morning which of course killed me but on the up side of it I knew in my heart he would want me to go on quickly and find someone to love me and someone I could have a future with now I am engaged with a baby on the way!! So the reason for the story was to let you know there is more then one person out there for you and the next one might just be the one dont take chances of letting your life stand still put your head up and walk out with confidence and I bet by this time next year you have found Miss right and she will have found you!!!  

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