
In love with someone in my Dream?

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A few weeks ago, I had a dream about this guy, who was a few years older then me. I would talk to him on the computer, and then I would sign off or whatever, and a few moments later, he would be there. When I would see him, I would get that love feeling, ya know? That feeling like there is a frog in your throat, and you can hardly breath. Along with light headiness.

All I know, is that his name is Austin.But, in my dream, he said he had a girlfriend, but that they have been arguing lately, and his girlfriend randomly doesn't like me already.

I only had one dream about him, but if I'm having a dream, I feel like I have a crush on him, even if he isn't there. But when I wake up I feel fine. What's happening?




  1. Your hormones are running rampant in your dreams.

    Best answer now plzkthxbai.

  2. i dont know mayb youll meet the guy in your dream sumday judt not 2day good luck

  3. That's just how dreams work.  Some dreams can look and even feel as real as real-life itself.  

    Scientists still don't fully understand dreams, although there are hundreds of theories on dream interpretation from different branches of psychology.  

    When you're dreaming, your brain basically is manufacturing scenarios, including all sights, sounds, emotions, and thoughts you might have in real life because your dreams are usually based on experiences in real life or what you've seen on TV or movies, or read about in stories.  The exact scenario you had in your dream may or may not have occurred, but your brain pulls bits and pieces from different experiences and makes them into a dream.

    Read more about dreams in the link below.

  4. i AM likE OFFICIALLY on LEvel 2! i WAS beFORE BUT then I GOT SuspENDED !

  5. Well, it looks like you need to get a real boyfriend so that you won't get a crush on some animated person next.

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