
In many countries women shave between their legs but here in Korea is seems not... what countries like this ?

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In many countries women shave between their legs but here in Korea is seems not... what countries like this ?




  1. in the western world most women shave there pubic hair, some take it all off, some take part off, in Islamic and Asian countries including Korea they tend not to shave, in Islamic it is forbidden

  2. Japan, also.

    In 1968 John Lennon and Yoko Ono released an LP called "Two Virgins".

    In a cruel but hilarious move, apple recordings released this awful record with a cover showing both 'artists' naked.

    This photograph provided the first solution to the age-old question of whether Japanese women shave their pubes.

    You can see the cover here:

  3. In Australia where I live its very vogue to have the 'Brazilian.'

  4. I trim my pubic area.  For me personally, it has to do with personal hygiene.  I have rather thick long pubic hair if left natural.  I cant stand urinating or menstrating through that.  Its nasty. I felt like I needed a shower after every trip to the bathroom.  I mean, really, who wants pubic hair matted with blood and urine?

  5. I find this interesting. The John lennon foto is something I vaguely remember. I think the hygien aspect is so very important and think more women should consider it. I did not know about the muslim twist. I am not surprised. It must have been the old boys preference. He wrote all his preferences as words from God even s*x with a nine year old virgin seemed to be a word from God.

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