
In march i will visit barcelona. i want to know the most beautiful places to visit. Can u help me?

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In march i will visit barcelona. i want to know the most beautiful places to visit. Can u help me?




  1. Hmmm...


    When you reach here, gimme a call.

    I would love to be your guide!

  2. Surf to and grab the miniguide!

  3. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain in terms of population.


    Popular attractions as suggested by Yahoo travel:

    1.     TIBIDABO

    2.     Les Rambies

    3.     El Zoo

    4.     La Sagrada Familia  ( Church of the Holy

             Family )

    5.     L'Aqu rium de Barcelona  

    6.     Casa Mil ( La Pedrera)  

    7.     Museo Picassu

    8.     Port Ol mpic

    9.     Catedral

    10.   Casteil de Montju c

    Other places to see:

    1.   Arc de Triomphf, Barcelona

    2.   Ride a cable car  to see the beauty of Barcelona from above.

    3.   Museum of National Art Cataluna

    4.   Parc Guell , a park of Antoni Gaudi , outdoor cafe under the palm trees designed with decorative stone wall.

    5.   Palace of catalon art

  4. Anything by Gaudi

  5. I have a personal website (non-commercial) that shows my recommended tourist attractions and restaurants in Barcelona (with photos and information).  I would suggest that you take the official, city-sponsored Tourist Bus around the city on your first day to get an idea of where things are, the history and obtain a great book of discount coupons for admission to all the attractions.  The bus costs EUR 18 (for all day, and you can get on and off as much as you want), but you can easily save at least EUR 10 if you visit two or three attractions using the coupon book.  See the link below for good info.

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