
In mathematical terms, what is a diaphram?

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In mathematical terms, what is a diaphram?




  1. I have NO idea

  2. what has this to do with ROYALTY??????

  3. Chi lover is correct

    but  there are other answers like:

    Anatomy: A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration. Also called midriff .

    A membranous part that divides or separates.

    A thin disk, especially in a microphone or telephone receiver, that vibrates in response to sound waves to produce electric signals, or that vibrates in response to electric signals to produce sound waves.

    A contraceptive device consisting of a thin flexible disk, usually made of rubber, that is designed to cover the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm during sexual intercourse.

    A disk having a fixed or variable opening used to restrict the amount of light traversing a lens or optical system.


  4. The diaphragm is modeled as being a linear mass-spring mechanical system having friction and a restoring force. ...

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