
In matters that conflict between your head and your heart...?

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which direction would you go in? Would you follow your head or your heart? Why?




  1. Naturally, we all want to follow our heart,but it isn't always the wisest choice....,I do believe in "love at first sight",but it is smart to take a second look,and a third,etc.

      Elvis Presley sang a song many years ago,called:"Only Fools Rush In",and I have been such a fool.It always got me in trouble.So to answer your question,I would and am following my head,because my heart betrays me.

  2. Follow your heart because it won't let you down.I can tell a person who is sincere by their heart.

  3. Follow your head.  As stated clearly in the Bible and has been proven, a heart can be DECEIVING.  In other words, a heart will tell you you truly want it, need it, miss it, love it, etcc....   The head however, needs to reason and tells you if what you want or heart wants is truly the right or the wrong thing for you.  Example:  You are deeply in love but he beats you.  Your heart wants to be with him/her because you love him/her but your head tells you that if you stick around, it will get worse and if there are kids involved, they will be physically as well as emotionally hurt. Another example:  You want earings (her)/drill (him) that you saw at a store but don't have the money to buy them.  Your heart is telling you that you WANT THAT even if you have to steal it.  You must use your head in order to determine what the correct choice will be.  Best of Luck.

  4. Well I always listen to my heart and get messed up in the end..

    Have to learn to think thru your head too, I'm still in process of learning

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