
In metal gear solid four how do i beat the final boss(the screaming lady)?

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plz help and plz be very detailed




  1. wow, the guy above me made things sooo much more complicated and long.....

    when u start the battle, eject urself with the syringe.

    now keep shooting the Psycho Mantis Doll until it drops (while keeping urself from harm).  Note that once u shoot it, she flies away, so dont waste bullets.

    Sometime during all of this, she is going to have Meryl shot herself in the head.  just knock her our (non-lethal weapons)

    rinse and repeat.

    once the doll fall, use it to kill screaming manits......its SOOOO easy once u get the doll (instructions on how to use:  hold R@ and go to it, without equipuing it.......thats all

  2. Recommended Weaponry (Lethal/Non-Lethal) - Assault Rifle, Mantis Doll (to


    This fight is extremely nostalgic to Psycho Mantis, and you will soon

    find out why. You must protect yourself, as well as Meryl's own life

    from Mantis' control.

    Begin the fight by immediately injecting yourself with the syringe,

    the actual fight will begin once you do that. If you look carefully,

    you will notice two dolls to the left and right of Mantis. A Psycho

    Mantis doll and a The Sorrow doll. You must shoot these, not Mantis

    herself. Be careful of the floating FROG corpses, they can shoot you

    or stab you if you get too close. Once you shoot either doll a few

    times, Mantis will begin to manipulate Meryl more and have her attack


    Take cover behind one of the pillars at the top of the stairs, and

    Meryl will leap over to you. Grab her using a CQC attack (remember

    only handguns, knives or unarmed for a grab), make sure the syringe

    is equipped, and then press the action button when she is grabbed to

    inject her with the syringe. Basically this is the exact same thing

    you did to Vamp. It will instantly knock her out.

    Once Meryl is knocked out, continue to fire on Mantis' dolls. After

    another few more hits, Mantis will raise Meryl once again, and put

    the gun to her head this time. Quickly go down to the center of the

    battlefield and grab Meryl in another CQC hold and inject her again

    with the syringe. The FROGS corpses will most likely be near you and

    will attempt to stop you. Keep trying to hit her with the syringe if

    they land a hit on you.

    Once you deal with Meryl again, you will finally be able to kill

    Mantis freely. Continue to work on whatever doll you were shooting at

    the time, you will notice it gradually fall from her side. After

    about 10 hits or so it will fall from her side and fall to the ground

    nearby. Quickly run to where the doll fell and pick it up before she

    does herself.

    Repeat this for the second doll. Be careful of her warping and slash

    attack, she will scream "SNAAAAAKE" before she warps to you, giving

    you plenty of time to run away. Once the second doll falls, you can

    now kill Mantis. Equip the Mantis doll and fire off the  projectile at her.

    If it lands, you will be able to string her up like she did to the others.  

    Hold L1 and keep moving the Sixaxis back and forth between you and the screen,

    this will shake her and inflict damage to her. You can kill her in one go  

    with this, quickly ending the fight. Note that both her stamina and health

    gauge will deplete together.

    *To end this fight quickly you only need to bring down the Mantis doll and

    use it against her. The Sorrow doll is not needed to win, however if it is

    your first time playing shoot both dolls so you can acquire both for future


    You know the drill now, either tranq or lethal kill Screaming Beauty

    to win.

    by the way the final boss is liquid ocelot

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