
In monopoly the advanced to go(collect 200$) card?

by  |  earlier

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Does it mean that I go to go get $200 and then when I pass go collect another $200, or I just get $200 and when I pass go I get nothing?




  1. When you get the card you advance to go and get $200 but then you just play on and don't get another $200 'til you've been round the board again.

  2. No, its just saying you get $200 for passing go, not an extra $200.

    Thats why the inverse says "go directly to jail (do not collect $200)"

    If it just said  "advanced to go" and didn't say anything abotu $200, it could mean you just get to go to "GO" and you wont collect anything....and you start off with the cheapo properties again.

  3. NO NOT 400 $ ~~200$ ~!

  4. You only collect $200 for each time around the board.  Here are the official rules on the point:

    " 'GO'… Each time a player’s token lands on or passes over GO, whether by throwing the dice or drawing a card, the Banker pays him/her a $200 salary. The $200 is paid only once each time around the board. However, if a player passing GO on the throw of the dice lands 2 spaces beyond it on Community Chest, or 7 spaces beyond it on Chance, and draws the “Advance to GO” card, he/she collects $200 for passing GO the first time and another $200 for reaching it the second time by instructions on the card."

  5. When you get the card that tells you to "advance to go to collect $200", that means that you put your playing piece on the "pass go" block on the board and go ahead and collect $200. Then, on your next turn, you roll the dice and whatever you roll, you move that # of spaces, but do not get another $200 on that turn. So, finally, when you've made it around the board again, you can collect $200... and so on. This is how we've always played anyway. I hope this was not totally confusing.

  6. i always played that way making it double

  7. It means what it says it means:

    Advance to go ---- Go around the board to "Go"

    (collect 200) ----- Then you collect 200.

    No, you don't collect a "bonus" because you got that card

    The paraentese (collect 200) is just a reminder that when you land on go, you get 200

  8. Trust me im a monopoly expert when the card says advance to go and collect $200 you get your 200 dollars, then when its your turn again and you roll you collect another 200 dollars

  9. it means you go to the place called "go" and stay there where you collect $200, and the next time you go around the board, you still get your 200 when you pass go again. all that card helps you do is make fast money, and lets you dodge the high dollar lots that aren't yours.

  10. first advance to go and collect your 200 (card)

    then when its your turn again and passed Go (by rolling the dice) you collect another 200 like what is said on the go box.

  11. it means right then and there advance to go.  while your there pick up 200 dollars. and while your counting all your cool cash, let the other player have their turn.

    dont be greedy.

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