
In most cases does a second marriage work out better then the first?

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In most cases does a second marriage work out better then the first?




  1. I have to agree with your first answer..

    My first 2 failed due to my selfishness..This one however has been 16 superb years..

    It takes time and some maturity I found..

  2. if you don't repeat the mistakes you made in the first one and learn to live with the new mistakes you make...

  3. Can

  4. You have more experience...

    I'm guessing it does work out a bit better.

  5. Let's see, if I stick my hand into an open flame, will the first time or the second time be better?

  6. There are no guarantees in life. If we use the mistakes made in the first marriage to work harder in the second then perhaps yes. But remember there are always new mistakes to make.

    Good luck I am hoping for number 3 to happen soon. Yes I did learn a lot in the first two and hope I won't make a mistake here. Besides isn't it 3rd time is the charm?

  7. My first marriage was 14 years.  I am now on 2 years with my second, and it is wonderful.  I know this will work out, because it is so much better then the first.  We are older wiser and no what we want in life.


  8. Statistically speaking, the risk of a second marriage failing is twice that of a first marriage.  There are of course exceptions to everything.  I am hopeful for myself and my fiance, we are both veterans of a first marriage that lasted over 20 years but ended in divorce.  The greatest thing about him for me is he is very different than my ex.  I am very different from his ex.  We love each other very much and agree that if this doesn't work for some reason, neither of us would likely try it a third time.  

  9. it has for us,my husband was unhappily married for 20 years and left when the children grew up,we have been together for 10 years and married for 7 years we are so happy together and do everything together.i said to my husband today do you still love me after all this time.he said to me what a daft question i love you more than life lovely was that.

  10. I would say yes! However, you must have learned from your past mistakes and think (both of you) that you are now for the long haul.

  11. It all depends on each other. If you both feel ready and have a lot in common then things can work out well.  

  12. You have more experience yes, but no it doesn't always work out better or worse either way.

  13. Not in my case.  My second marriage lasted 13 months.

    Now my third marriage - going on 20 years.  But I guess it takes some of us a little longer to get it right.

  14. I would think so, only because you learn from your mistakes. also alot of people marry young their first time so in that case the people are more mature and smarter the second time around. =)

  15. In my case it sure does!

    I got dumped after 24 years, but I found my TRUE soul mate after that. (It's his second also).

    We both believe we had to go through the first ones to get to the place we needed to be in order to find each other. We've only been together 4 years, but we know this time it's right.

  16. I sure hope so.

    Hint: it's than, not then

  17. statistics show that 50% of all first marriages end in divorce. The rate climbs to 70% in second marriages, and to 80% in third. Those are just stats though.  

  18. My hubby and I have both been married before, it's worked for us as we've both tried our hardest not to be like each others ex's

  19. In my case, oh yes!

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