
In most professional volleyball teams one player has a different color shirt. What's the significance of this?

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In most professional volleyball teams one player has a different color shirt. What's the significance of this?




  1. The libero wears a different shirt because the ref needs to quickly be able to tell who they are.  The libero is restricted to back row play but also cannot attack the ball while it is above the plane of the net, nor can they hand set the ball to be attacked while standing inside the 3m (10ft line).  The libero can come in for as many as two positions in the rotation and usually they come in for middle hitters because they are big and have a harder time getting low enough to make consistent passes or dig the ball.  Only recently have they been allowed to serve, but only for one of the positions they come in for.  The reason they cannot set or hit is to prevent specialization in those areas and have them in the whole game, bypassing the rotation system.

  2. This person is called the libero.  The libero is a defense specialist that only plays back row.  When they hit the ball their hand can not be above the net.  The shirt is mostly for the ref to be able to keep track of the libero going in and out.  They don't have to sub in, they just go in for the designated player without any questions.  I am a college Volleyball player and can answer any questions.

  3. this is the libero.  the libero is usually shorter and can't do as much.  he/she may be good, but if you are on a taller team, most people can't bend as far down as the libero.  so that is there job, generally to take the first hit, dive, not play front row.

  4. This person is called libero and specialises in defence such as bumps, digs and saves. The libero cannot attack, block or set. The libero is usually making good saves and the perfect pass so that defence can be converted into an attack.

  5. lebero, its just a special player that pretty much owns the court but she can't serve or spike but she replaces people most of the time

  6. its  a libero

    its a defensive specialist you can use that doesnt have to sub in, they just go.

    its usually used to go in for the hitters coming into the back row.

  7. This person is called the libero, and she stands in the back row, and is the only one allowed to hit in the back. for more details, i reccomend you google libero

  8. This person is the LIBERO. They changed the rules and the libero can now serve. They are the best passers and are pretty decent hitters in the backrow. I am a libero for my high school varsity team  so if you have any questions just ask!

  9. Yup its the Libero - i played that for my highskool team. The Libero is basically the best passer and is a defense specialist - they kan only play back row and are not allowed to rotate to the front -

  10. libero!

    rox the court.

    if you go online it can give u a very good def? and tell u moer about it


    best of wishes to ya!

  11. That's the Libero, duh.

  12. This Player is called a libero, he controls the back court. It is hard to explain . But hes pretty much the best passer, and he can come on for the hitters. But the downsides to it is he can not  serve, or make an attacking shot over the net. Wikipedia has a good way of explaining it.

  13. that means that they are a libero, a person that subs in and out multiple times throughout the game. the are normally in the center back and they do many things such as digs, dives and hits.

  14. The person with a different colored shirt is called a libero or the back row specialist.  The libero is the best passer on the team and must be willing to sacrifice their body for a ball. The libero can serve but never can go in the front row. They don't have to use a substitution when the libero goes in for someone or someone goes in for the libero. All the people have to do is run in and the refs will know that they can  do that because of the jersey color.

  15. The lebero, it is used to signify them. The lebero replaces people who are better closer to the net, and not so good at returning.

  16. this player wearing a different color uniform is the libero...the significance of having this player wear a different uniform from the other players is that he/she can easily be identified by the officials during a game...most liberos are short...aside from passing, receiving and setting the ball, the libero can also hit a ball (top spin) as long as he/she does not go in front or step on the attack line( because he/she is a back liner) and as long as no parts of their body is seen above the net...i hope it helped...good day!

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