
In movies why do people always click their guns when they want to act like they're about to fire?

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What does it do, load a bullet into the chamber? Make it faster to fire when they pull the trigger? Do you need to do it?




  1. most of the time we see in the movies that this foolish idea is used by the enemy(gundda) because he thinks if he put his hands on the trigger than the person who is standing in front of him(hero) than he will afraid.

  2. for the dramatic effect

  3. it's probably when you're cocking the gun or when you're turning the safety off

  4. It's a way of making sure that a round is chambered.

    That way, they don't press the trigger and just hear a click.

    That can be embarassing ( and fatal)

  5. HINT: It's called drama.

    Most firearms carry 6-9 shells. In the movies, actors can shoot 15-20 times and never releoad.

    Another question: How come people in movies never have to go potty? "Excuse me, I need to poo, I'll be right back"

  6. Oh, it just loads the gun thats all. Yes they do or it would not shoot.

  7. The above folks are correct -- for revolvers. It's hysterical, though, when they dub that sound effect in when a character is holding an automatic pistol, which does not make that sound.

  8. I'm not a gun expert, but I know that with some guns, the hammer must be pulled back so that when the trigger is squeezed (never pulled), the hammer strikes the firing pin, which ignites the powder in the bullet casing, propelling the bullet out of the gun. But mainly, it's just for dramatic effect.

  9. when they click the gun they are taking off the saftey so they can shoot. if the saftey is still on the gun wont fire

  10. thats how guns work..u gotta c**k it b4 ushoot

  11. it pulls back the fireing pin also known as "cocking" the gun

  12. drama effect

  13. No it's Hollywood writers not knowing how guns work!  It especially gets me when they do it with a Glock pistol as Glocks have no external safeties or cocking levers.  Glocks are popular BECAUSE they have no external safeties or cocking levers!!!  I've carries one for years and they have nothing to "click' before firing!

    Another one that gets me is when someone fires a .45 1911 model (the WWII Army 45) with the hammer down!  That's a pretty neat trick!  I can't do it on mine - how do they?

  14. Setting the hammer back.

  15. depends on if its a single action or double action revolver or if its an auto/semi-auto pistol.  single action revolver, you have to c**k the hammer before you can pull the trigger. double action revolver, its possible to pull the trigger to fire it but the chance of missing the target increases. an auto/semi-auto, pulling the slide back chambers a shell before it can be fired

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