
In my 29 gallon fish tank i have 1 rainbow shark and 1 paradise fish?

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i want to add couple of congo many should i add?are they compatible?i want to add somethin else to the there small specie creyfish or would something else be better?i dont really want snails so those i dont really like.any suggestions would help alot.




  1. Paradise fish can be aggressive, so I'd be cautious about adding anything else while he's in there.  Also, congo tetras are pretty big (mine are almost 4 inches long from their heads to the tips of their tails).  And since they like to be in schools of at least 5, they'd be pretty cramped in a 29 gallon.  I keep mine in a 55g.

    There's plenty of other beautiful fish you could keep in your 29g, though.  Just be prepared to move your paradise fish if he gets aggressive.

    [edit] Serpae tetras are smaller and hardy, as well as colorful.  A small school of them would work nicely for your tank.  Lots of other tetras would work as well, among other fish.  Here's a site that has lots of info on different fish and their tank requirements:

  2.                             pH               Temp in F

    Rainbow shark     6.5-7.5          75-80°

    Paradise fish        5.8-8.0          65-80°

    Congo tetra          6.0-6.5          72-82°

       Should be kept in groups of 6 or more, so a 30 g     tank is minimum for them, and only them.

    I've read diverse views on the paradise, some recommending no less than 30-40 gallons.  I'm not sure if this is for just one, or in a community tank.  I've successfull kept one in a  gallon container with no problems.  At 4" full size that would push it, and mine weren't "growed up" yet.  I believe it would be fine with your other fish.

    Crayfish should not be kept in an aquarium as they will catch and eat your fish.  A bristlenose or clown pleco would work.

    Again, with this size tank, congos are not recommended.  

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