
In my Fantasy football 08 draft, I have the first pick. Who should I pick: L.T. or Adrian Peterson??/?

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In my Fantasy football 08 draft, I have the first pick. Who should I pick: L.T. or Adrian Peterson??/?




  1. AP is high risk high reward.... You risk him getting hurt or not being consistent, but then again the reward is getting 2,000 total yards and 20+ tds

    with LT it's a guarntee he gets 1800 total yards and 15 td's in an off year.... so I would say stick with LT as the top pick til' AP proves he can do it every year...

  2. LT, he's had more time to make his mark and his skills are more honed than AP.  Give AP another year or two though and i just might change that answer.

  3. lt

  4. LT deffinately, hes been one of the top fantasy contributers for the past few years, and who knows whats gonna happen with AP this year, if he gets hurt you're screwed, but LT is hardly ever hurt and i feel that hes a more reliable back

  5. LT is a proven performer who no longer has Michael Turner to lose reps to.  AP is a second yr guy who will likely not see a lot of third downs with Chester Taylor, has a joke at QB that wont keep people from loading the front, and he already has a proven injury history.  I take LT with the safe pick here, he is a one man show.

  6. I'd go with AP because I think he'll have a breakout year and LT will struggle.

  7. I Would pick Adrian Because he is still a young player and he as A LOT of potential even as a rookie he came second in NFL Rushing most likely would have gotten first if not for his injury. I'm sure the vikings will use there offensive line more  productively and make more running plays. As for L.T hes a great player don't get me wrong but Adrian is still a young running back so i think he would be a better choice IMO. Take a look at both there offensive lines too before you make this pick i haven't checked up on it yet.

  8. LT

    adrian peterson is kind of an injury risk

  9. LT.  hes proven. Peterson had 1 good year. people got him figured out now. LT is the safe bet.

  10. Tomlinson is still on the right side of 30 and on a strong team. I'd go with him for another year unless it was a keeper league. Peterson is also an excellent choice but less consistent.

  11. I would have to pick Adrian Peterson..( i HAVE 1 #1 PICK SO FAR )

    -He said he would like to get a 2000 yards season and he might. In the offseason, the Vikings improved their defense, meaning more possesions for the offense. They Also aquired Bernard Berrian, who gives them a small passing attack..( Sydney Rice also could be a surprise ) So expect Peterson to have a BIG year.

    Im not really feeling L.T. this year..

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