
In my Sept.08 issue of "Rider Magazine" they included a big poster of Harley's, what do I do with it?

by  |  earlier

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1 hang it up over the hole in the wall in my bedroom?

#2 hang it up on the outside front door so everybody sees it?

#3 mail it back to Rider Magazine and include a nasty letter and tell them it insulted me

#4 burn it




  1. Option #5 you could stick it where the sun doesn't shine.Of course that might be inconvenient when your boyfriend comes over.

  2. send a copy to ninebadteeth,then both of you should hang it on your bathroom wall,along with your playgirl centerfolds,that way you can get all your fantacies together all in one place

  3. Throw it out or wipe someones butt with it - Harley's are overpriced and overrated....

  4. Give it to a retarded child, He will be buying one when he grows up.

    Mad...Don't worry, some self appointed hall monitor will report the question as offensive and reprehensible.  I've really come to like the dependable advocates of the Harley side.  But I suspect the ninnies who can't stand to see anyone's choice of bike ridiculed are the same type of people who call for helmet and seatbelt laws.  You people need to all move to Oregon and wear diapers while you ride your bikes with goveners that wont let them go over 55mph.

  5. 5......Roll it up real tight and cram it up your A$$!!


  6. Why use this forum to encourage H-D hating?  Although I don't ride a Harley, I ride with Harley guys.  No problems between us.  We can just get along, but with no help from this type of question.

  7. You know i just can't believe HOW JEALOUS THE NON HARLEY CROWD IS. I find it really hilarious how people who own other bike's are always talking about harley's. Why don't you talk about your bike, is it because they are all so boring & blah, you can't tell one brand from another. Or is it because the brand you are loyal to are always trying to copy hd & just can't get it right (another genuine imitation& always will be)

    Either way imitation is the sincere est form of flattery. So keep on riding what ever it is you ride then spend all your time blogging about hd. Your like the closet g*y's afraid to come out

  8. you might subscribe to poser magazine, but rider magazine doesn't suit you.  i can see why you got it, lots of pictures and all... if you learn to read some year, you might actually learn something other than the garbage you parrot out

  9. Your mom working the night shift at Denny's this weekend so you get to play on the computer?

    Hang it on the wall in front of you. Then take your big sisters old Huffy with the banana seat and bell on the handlebars that goes ching ching and put some new baseball cards in the spokes so it sounds really cool when you pedal. Then you can pretend you're riding with the big boys, because that's as close as you'll ever get to a real bike.

  10. Hang it on your bedroom ceiling so you and lay in bed and look at it and dream.

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