
In my culture, we believe that . . . ?

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We believe that if you're a female and you dreamt that you got bit by a snake, it means that you are pregnant or you will be pregnant soon.

We also believe that if you dreamt that you are at the garden and you steal any kind of fruit (cucumbers, watermelons, cantelopes, etc), it means that you are pregnant or you will be pregnant and will be having a girl.

Does anyone believe in superstitions like that? Or does anyone have or know any other superstitions. Please feel free to share.

Thanks to Yahoo Friends!




  1. In my culture, if a mirror or the window glass cracks/smashes, there's a superstition that someone will die (NOT 7 years bad luck)

    When dishes or glass smash, that's for good luck.

    What's your culture?

  2. I am afraid that is just another variation on the old wive's tales - and nothing more.

  3. If you got bitten by a one eyed snake chances are you might be!

  4. I believe when I dream of having s*x, that I haven't masturbated in a while.

    Lol. Sorry.

  5. Interesting...

    That snake wasnt perhaps blinded in one eye, was he?


  6. My grandmother dreams of eggs when a woman in our family gets pregnant. She is usually the one to announce a pregnancy before the pregnant woman even knows.

    My grandmother says it's her mokopuna (grandchild) letting her know they're on their way.

    She has never been wrong.

    But in my culture we believe in things like this. Foretelling dreams, seer's, prophecy, all of that. It is apart of our identity.

    Much like your culture I'm guessing.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  7. hey hey love

    what an interesting question

    its a nice change from the usual stuff

    well i suppose we have dont breakk mirrors or you get 7 years bad luck

    and dont put your umbrella up indoors, bad luck

    dont put new shoes on a table, bad luck

    very cynical people we are haha ;-D

    your very welcome

    if i think of any more ill add them


  8. Well if a snake bit me I believe the devil is trying to take my

  9. in my culture if you whistle at night snakes will come...also...if you rest after just eating you will become like a cow...

  10. No, I don't believe in any of that to me personally that would just be a dream.

  11. lol

    We believe if you see lizards mating then you'll get pregnant.

    Wonder how that works for chaste virgins..... a scheduled rape case?

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