
In my dream i had talked to a girl i never met, what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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I had the feeling that we were in danger and all i did was ask her if she can do anything to help. After that i just fell in love really, i still have the feeling when i think of what she looked like




  1. It means you're obsessing over a chick and your mind has created an illusion in your sleep to make up for it. Because you're so desperate for someone, or maybe you've just been going through a dry spell (wink wink), you want to believe that it means something. But, sorry to tell you, it doesn't. It's just your loins wishing.

  2. if you are anything like me, your dream will come true and you will meet this girl u dream about

  3. what did u eat after 12

  4. I think that you are feeling a bit scared right now, or maybe even anxious. The "girl" symbolized the thought in your head of happiness. That in times of danger, or your scared feelings, you know that something can always cheer you up. A relative, a pet, etc. Find that thing and everything will fall into place =)

  5. If you knew this girl in real life or you know someone who looks like her, your dream shows prosperity and happiness. If she was random beautiful girl, then some good news will come your way.

  6. dreams are very hard to de-code. your dream can mean many things. it could mean you will meet someone in the near future or youll the girl could be happiness which your inner self is seeking. or it could simply mean you ate sweets before you went to sleep. dreams all depend on wat the dreamer thinks they mean

  7. *Gazes into crystal ball* It seems..... you two will meet soon, and engage in s*x

  8. Sadly, i dont think this dream means you will meet this girl anytime soon.  You should look at the female in your dream as another part of yourself.  What did you admire most about her?  This would be what you desire the most in your self.  If you admired her courage or intelligence, this is something you desire more in yourself.  The female in your dream represents the other half of yourself.  I dream or talking to nice guys all the time, ask more questions of this lady in order to gain more knowledge of your own self and what you are searching for.  Maybe then you can start to learn more about yourself which may eventually open you up to the "right young lady"....

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