
In my dream there were roaches, pill bugs, spider webs in my room and other big size bugs in my moms house.?

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I have had this kind of dream twice and both times it was at my moms’ house. The first time roaches were coming in from every corner and I was doing what ever I could to keep them out. I tried to kicked some out, I also tried to step on some of them and even tried to block some of them from coming in but no matter what I did they kept on coming in. It seemed hopeless…before I knew it roaches were everywhere.

The second time it was at my moms’ house but the carpet was dirty and the place looked a little bit gloomy and dark unlike the first time I had this dream. I think the carpet was also dark red…I am not sure. I continuously kept on going in and out of my room and every time I did that I had to clear some spider webs out of my way. In the dream I was speaking to my mom and telling her to call someone to get all these bugs out of the house. She told me she already done that. I was thinking to my self that she won't do it again because she is embarrassed so I told my sister and tried to plead with her so we could get all these bugs out of the house. The bugs in the second dream were not roaches...this time the bugs were big fist size bugs....some looked a little bit like crabs with teeth crawling around and later on guest came in to the house set down and while they were talking to each other I was busy kicking a bunch of pill bugs as big as a human size heads up the stairs and out of the house. Also one of the pill bug had a metallic outer shell and it made metallic noise (the kind of noise that flexible swords make) as I was kicking it. Can someone tell me what it all means?




  1. Insects are NOT necessarily indicative of evil spirits spiritually. Whenever animals or insects appear over and over in your lives and dreams they might be totems or messengers. Google the type of insect and the word totem and you'll see. The Cockroach teaches us how to use what we have available to us for survival.To clean out the dead and useless aspects of our lives.
    When the Cockroach appears as a totem, our sensitivity to subtle changes will be magnified.We will have the power to scurry out of danger. Spider means that the possibilities for each of us is only limited by our own view of ourselves. It can also be a special messenger to aspiring writers to begin weaving tales of magic. I think pill bugs have to do with setting boundaries.

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