
In my dreams i always see dead people. What that indicate?

by Guest58711  |  earlier

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And my dreams do repeat




  1. this may be in many forms.

    To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. You may suffer material loss. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on.


    Seeing your dead parents in your dreams, may mean your fears of losing them or your way of coping with the loss. You may want that last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them.


    To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend alive in your dream, indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one

  2. wwwwweeeelll, it depends are they dead people u know? if they are then u havent got over there death and have some repressed feelings towards them. if they are people still alive and u see them dead then u have a fear of them dying. if u see random dead people then u have something deep in ur brain that u need to get out. psychics would say u migt be dying soon or maybe u just have some kind of power to see dead people. if u havent seen " The Sixth Sense" see it its about a kid who has the same problem only he sees them when hes awake. so i hope my reasons helped u and i hope u solve ur problem.

  3. Dead people who appear alive in dreams have three general categories of participation: cameo, resolution, and judgment.

    Cameo participation is a little eerie in recall, but not particularly noteworthy in the dream itself. In these cases, the dreamer simply sees a dead person intact and living, just hanging out in the dream scene. Often there is little direct participation in the dream per se. The dream image probably is tied to an activity that the dreamer and dead person once participated in together. Most likely, there is a latent sense of missing the person that made the dream appearance possible.

    Resolution participation usually involves a specific action with the dead person. In this case, the dead person's presence is central to the unfolding storyline. Either you lack something they need or they act in a way to provoke emotion (positive or negative) from you. In either case, the transaction or inability to complete it revolves around some deficit that needs resolution in the relationship. These dreams may carry a sense of judgment or joy, depending on whether or not the relationship transaction is resolved. Judgment can often involve the dead person as a dead person or zombie. These dreams are particularly troubling as we often see ourselves as unable to reverse of complete the necessary actions to salvage a situation.

    What traits did the deceased embody during their lives (i.e. Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake)?

    Was their behavior in the dream consistent with or contrary to their general behavior in life? Perhaps you need to look more closely at the true personality of the deceased and how they were characterized by others.

    dunno if that helps at all..

  4. When dreams recur it is a sign that something extra important has to be faced. It is a pity that you have not given us at least one example of your recurring dreams. Dreams have to be read in context. Not only that, one and the same dream may mean different things to different people.

    I presume that these dead people are not persons you know. When it is like that it means that you are depressed and in severe cases you could become suicidal. So it is important that you look at these dreams closely. If you wish to send me a dream by email with a few words about yourself and your present situation I will be able to help you in a more concrete way.

    For the time being take another look at your last dream and ask yourself where you see those people and what the place or places mean to you where those people were. When you focus on one of those persons watch what thoughts come to your mind. They will take you further and may even direct you which way to turn.

  5. you are the kid from Sixth Sense movie.............wait, let me get manoj night shyamalan's number.....

  6. Well my friend, don't worry these are natural things that happens with each one of us. These are called Satanic Dreams.

  7. it is good for his long life

    but it depends upon the time phase

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