
In my eye...?

by  |  earlier

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There is a little dark spot in my eye that moves around. My mum says its a piece a dust that has got stuck, but its been in there for over a month.... It doesnt bother me i was just wondering if it could be anything more serious?

Because surely if it was dust the eye would have washed it out by now...?




  1. Go see an eye doctor to be sure.

  2. theres an actual condition, like the little spot has a name but i cant remember what its called starts with m and its 2 words i think..... anyway if it isnt causing any problems, like u can still see and it doesnt block ur vision then u dont have 2 worry. if it starts causing problems then u should go 2 an eye doctor.

  3. Dust doesn't stay in the same place on your eye for a month!

  4. go to a doctor

  5. I would go to an eye doctor to be on the safe side. You don't want to long term damage your eye if it is something that is not supposed to be in there.

  6. does it feel like a pimple? if yes then u have this thing like a bag of fat inside ur eye lash. it usually shows after an eye infection.  I had one and you'll just have to use medication. i used a cream called FUCITHALMIC. when i put it the pimple shrnked but i was still there so i had to do a surgery to remove it. nothing scary at all. but i only had the surgery cuz i ddnt treat the pimple directly. but also go and see a doctor!

    good luck

    and i hope its nothing serious x
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