
In my friends house we need to take off our socks?

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In my friends house we need to take off our socks and go about with bare feet. Is this the norm? How would you feel if you were in my place?




  1. Uncomfortable.

  2. I agree with the first guy - uncomfortable.  

  3. Some people are anal like that.  My step mom doesn't let people in the house with shoes on.  She does prefer a person wears socks though...this is how anal she is...because if you walk around bare foot, the foot oils stick to the carpet and dirt sticks to the foot oils.  Crazy huh?  Different cultures do different things...don't feel wierd about it, it's the norm for them.

  4. that is slightly weird but they probably have a reason for it

  5. kinda werid i  would feel uncomfertable i would ask my freinds whats up with that

  6. stupid they dont wat u 2 dirty their floor

  7. umm that is kinda weird. maybe they're hippies or neat freaks or something. but it's their house and you shoudl respect their wishes.

    ask your friend why though, nicely so he doesn't take offense.

  8. That is not normal. I've never heard of such a thing before. I've had to take off my shoes at a friend's house, and that's fine with me. I enjoy walking around in my socks. But I can't think of any good reason for socks to be taken off. Shoes off is fine, but I think people should have a choice between either socks or barefeet.

  9. I have heard of shoes...not socks. Shoes track in dirt...I have no idea about socks..I wouldn't be able to walk around just with bare feet all the time.

  10. I have to do the same thing at my semi best friend's house..I think it's weird and actually kinda rude..It's like they think your shoes are covered in dirt or something..but It's not that big of a deal,if they like the smell of's their house they make up the rules,don't say anything to your friend and just take off your socks

  11. Maybe your friend has a foot fetish and is disguising it.  :S

  12. I can see taking off your shoes, but socks???

    That's kinda weird.

  13. ********* PLZ!!!! THATS F<U<C<K<E<N WIERD!!!

  14. lol its kind of strange. i wouldnt mind though, im usually barefoot in the summer anyways  

  15. Not very  hygienic and it is bad for the flooring.  Oils from your feet will stain everything.

  16. Weird and gross.  I wouldn't want everyones gross feet on my floor.  I know someone that has a fungus under one of her toenails.  Maybe she should visit your friend's house.  I think that rule would change fast.  

  17. i think it be up to you

  18. i would feel weird

    hope i helped =D

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