
In my last question about if you were a cop in that situation....?

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A lot of you answered "you'd be dead", how is that so if you still have to draw?




  1. No matter how you think how fast you would be able to react, an action always beats a reaction.

  2. And the idiocy continues.

  3. Karl, life isn't Hollywood, do a little research on deadly force encounters. People seldom die instantly from a gun shot wound, whether or not you shoot me is irrelevant. Whether or not you deliver fatal wounds to me is irrelevant. Unless you get a 1000 to 1 shot on me, I have at minimum 5 seconds to kill you.

    If this is seriously something you are interested in, research Col Grossman (killology), OOPA loops, fatal wounds, etc How fast do you think it takes me to draw and fire an aimed round? How fast do you think it takes someone to comprehend that I'm drawing and firing?

    Talk to survivors of deadly force situations whether law enforcement, military or civilian. There is a common thread to those that survive regardless of whether someone had the drop on them....

  4. Good point. You'll be dead after the other cops get there.

  5. We have all learned the 21 foot rule.  We'd have time to make a lethal force decision UNLESS you came out firing, and even then, when you're walking and firing, your aim goes off by quite a few degrees. And chances are highly likely that we'd have a partner with us.

  6. They obviously never have handled a firearm...

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