
In my school I am rubbish at Drama?

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At my school, I am terrified when I have to do my drama performances and I always come out rubbish. I don't know what to do because I am afraid that everyone will laugh at me. What should I do?




  1. easy just try your best and dont be afraid a bet others are afriad to

    if you think your good then thell think your good i mean no one will make fun of you  

  2. People shouldn't laugh at you, at least your having a try.

    If they can't accept that some people just aren't good at some things, then they aren't very well rounded people.

    I'm also sure your not as bad as you think you are!

    Have fun!

  3. I used to be like that and did embarass myself at times for my outward and obvious hatred of it. However, I felt that evern if you only do small bits that don't require much effort it is better than virtually refusing because that draws a lot of attention to you. Get through the years nutil you can drop it. I've dropped it and look back feeling that I should have tried harder and wish that I could turn back time and have another go.

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