
In need of a HDTV, what's a good choice ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay hey everyone, I got a question here about TVs. I got at the moment an standard television (26') , Yeah kinda small.. I'm actually still living at my parents (I'm saying this because my room is not that big, so i'll be kinda close to the tv, but I wish to use that TV in my future appartment) And I would like to know, for Xbox360-Ps3 gaming, Which tv should I buy, How much of the ratio thing and the size I should go for.. (I have 900-1300$ for this)

I heard sharp is the best, but im not sure if its true.. Anyway, if possible, the best quality tv for the amount of money I got please!

Thanks for your time and answers, a big thank you.




  1. check these out

  2. i have a sharp 26'' and its good but probably not the greatest you....I would go into a store and have a speacialist help u

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