
In need of better studing habits!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am in need for better studying habits. i don t know y but i can't study well since i don t have any studing habits at all (i never study) can someone help me?




  1. Can you start to put yourself some notes of what you want to achive, having a goal, and then trying to make this work. It's like will power. There must be books in some type of a library helping you on this, or best is why don't you have a meeting with your teacher and ask this to her/him. She'd know better advice than us. We don't know what type of thing you feel weaker to improve. good luck

  2. study in group,chat with teacher,stay in touch with ur institution,before starting think "for your sake,you have to study".collect colorful,gorgious text and reference,record class lectures and listen on earphone.these are what i do.moreover,u can one thing,that is,note what are the factors that damages your concentration,point out them and think how to overcome those factors.hope this is the best answer.

  3. It is according to the type of learner you are.  Are you a visual or auditory learner.  I always hole myself up in a room and read my notes aloud over and over until I have them memorized.  Sometimes I find good ways of remembering something like certain words or phrases.  One of my professors said he would sing his notes LOL.  Also, if I know that I have a test coming up a week in advance.  I study a little bit of each day so I do not have to cram in one night.  Hope this helps.

  4. Study for half an hour. Then for a couple minutes you could watch TV, eat, take a break, etc. Then study again. I hope this helps!

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