
In neopets, can you please tell me where to buy paint brush?

by  |  earlier

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Help me please because i need paint brush .... my neopet is very plain




  1. from other use like the trade post or get lucky and find one going to  parts of neopets worlds  

  2. The only way to get a paint brush naturally is through random events while wandering the Neopet world. Other than that you'll have to search through the trading post for the type of brush you want.

    Be warned, though. Most people charge amazingly exorbitant amounts for brushes.

  3. Here are some possible ways:

    1) Go to the wishing well and make a wish to get a paint brush

    2)Go to shop wizard and search the paintbrush

    3)Go to the auctions and bid one

    4) Trade at the trading post from other users

    5)Go to tick tac tombola, you may have a chance to get one

    6) Wait for one to appear on the floor ( Random Event)

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