
In new york can we still see the Eclipse?

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Cause the Eclipse is coming at 8/1/08 and i really whant to see it!




  1. Unfortunately, none of the eclipse will be visible from New York.  Parts of eastern Maine may catch a brief part of the partial phase of the eclipse around sunrise, weather permitting.

  2. You can see a bit of the partial eclipse.

    Protect your eyes - you'll be looking at the Sun.  Use eyepiece projection, or a full aperture solar filter on a scope.

    You can see a total eclipse by going to NE Canada.

  3. Yes, but only a partial one.

    For the full one, you have to go to Canada.

  4. No part of the United States sees any of the total eclipse of August 1, and just the northern tip of Maine will see a bit of the partial phase.  Totality cuts across Baffin Island, the north coast of Greenland, and then the Arctic Ocean.  It swings through western Siberia and ends in extreme western China, a desolate desert region.

    The next solar eclipse visible in New York is Oct 23, 2014, when the eclipse will be just before sunset.  This is only a partial eclipse anywhere.

    August 21, 2017 has a very nice total solar eclipse visible across the USA, although in New York it is partial, with totality being no closer than Georgia.

  5. Here's all the info. With the times, the amount of eclipse you can see, etc.

  6. Sorry, but you won't see it from New York, despite what a couple of other answerers have said. Have a look at the map at and you can see that the only place in the U.S. which sees the eclipse is northeast Maine.

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