
In newspapers why when there is a tragedy do they inform you of the value of their house.?

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In newspapers why when there is a tragedy do they inform you of the value of their house.?




  1. You're absolutely right - who knows why reporters do that? I was a copy editor on a national paper for 15 years and whenever I saw this irrelevant garbage in copy, I would delete it.

  2. To whom does this refer?? May be the perception is that happiness is pro rata with the price of the house, which is of course rubbish.

  3. We are obsessed with house prices.

  4. Perhaps they think its relevant in some way, to indicate the wealth or poverty of the people in question, don't know other than that

  5. People with money (newscasters) want I us all to understand that sometimes bad things happen to good people too UHHH- I meant affluent people!!

    Its a form of snobbery it is some how less surprising that poor people would kill each other, live in the path of Tornadoes or have homes about to burst into flames.

  6. lol! no idea but I remember my uncle saying the same over 30 years ago and how come semis are always 'neat'?

  7. so we know what socio-economic group the victim/prepetrator belongs to which of course is so relevant to the actual event!!!!!!

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