
In no limit holden poker what is the minimum re-raise allowed after a raise.?

by  |  earlier

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playin last night and this came up..... a row about how much is the min raise allowed after a prev raise.... pal called and raised 100 other pal called the re-raise and raised another 25.. so a row began... what is the rule please.. ta Archie A




  1. First of all the raise has to be a full re-raise to be counted as a raise. So for example lets say the first player makes it 100 chips to call, and another player goes all in for 125 chips, his extra 25 chips does not count as the raise, so the min raise here would be 200. In a limit game it is a bit diffrent, it only has to be at least half of the original raise to count as a raise. But in no limit it has to be a full raise to be counted as a raise.

  2. You have to re-raise at least the amount of the previous raise.

    If someone bet 100, you'd have to make it 200 (or more).

    But it's the amount of the raise, not the bet.

    If the blinds are 100-200, and someone makes it 500 pre-flop, it's a 300 raise, so a re-raise would have to be at least 800.

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