
In nursing school with a bad back....?

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I just started nursing school, and I am a little concerned about my bad back. I've invested a lot of time and work into getting into this program. I don't want to change majors or drop out just beacuse of my back. Are there still areas of nursing that I can get into that will be easy on my back. I was thinking maybe neonatal. Any help?




  1. There are lots of jobs out there, but many of the less physical jobs may be more competitive, so  it may be tough to find one right out of school. Anything dealing with babies is competitive, and you may have trouble getting your foot in the door without other experience. By all means apply, but have some backups in mind to get some experience first.

    Your best bet would be in an assisted living facility. It would be very laid back since the residents are almost fully independent and aides can help with medications. They still need some nurses on staff, and many people think its too boring so if you like the laid back atmosphere it may be a good place to start.

    You may find a job in a larger doctors office, though that may not be exciting enough for you. You could possibly work in an OB-GYN or pediatric office if you want to work with babies/ children. YOu will have to see what openings there are when you graduate.

    There are lots of administrative positions for nurses, but many would require or prefer a masters degree and you would most likely at least need a few years of experience on the floor.

    If your back is really bad or nothing here works out, you could also look into a job with no direct patient care. Some drug or insurance companies may hire nurses to help customers.


    This guy works miracles on bad backs

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