
In one month I will begin the process of applying to and interviewing for jobs. Any tips?

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I'm 30 years old and have worked the same job for over ten years and am looking for a change. I have experience in IT as well as sales and have worked with many customers over the phone and in person. I have a BA in Economics and am working on a MA in International Economics (With a focus on economies and policies of virtual worlds. ie. Second Life and World of Warcraft), which should be completed by 2012. Both degrees from NYU. I have experience consulting on the economies of virtual worlds and have been quoted on the subject in such publications as the Wall Street Journal.

I have no specific field which I just HAVE to be in. The job must be in New York City, as that is where I currently live and go to school. I'm looking for a full time day job. I'm interested in both Federal and private sector jobs.

Starting salary range: 50 - 65k per year. Benefits would be nice. Work hours: anytime, 40+ hours per week.

Any advice on applying to jobs, interviewing or the job search process in general? Resume tips, interviewing tips, where to search for jobs, things to avoid, things that are a must and any other advice is welcome.

Again, I haven't been through the job application process in over ten years.




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  2. Always remember, preparation always pays off. Both the face-to-face and phone interviews are equally important and deal-killer at the same time. There is a general misconception that phone interviews are less formal than face-to-face interviews, but in fact that is ...

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