
In one word what would you describe McCain's speech?

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  1. Patriotic

  2. WOW!!!!!

  3. R E M A R K A B L E--

    He is a remarkable man and has lived a remarkable life.

  4. what speech?

    i saw palin's speech...


  5. Yawn

  6. enlightening.

  7. Honest

  8. snore

  9. Zzzzzzzzzz


  11. Strong and steady....he was no preacher as Obama was.. he was not as exciting as Palin and he was not as boring or angry as Biden.

    He was slow and steady and on mark.  He did not try to out do anyone.. he spoke as a patriot, a war hero.. a man who has been around the block and still has the enthusiasm for this country.. and take note he did not spend most of his time telling us everything wrong with this country and the people and how he and only he could fix it.  He asked people to trust him and work with him.

    So maybe there were no bells and whistles and empty promises.. but he got my attention.  He came off as sincere and honest.  and why wouldn't he.. he has nothing to prove.. he does not even need this presidency.. he is doing it because he truly loves this country.

    His opponent loves power.. he loves the idea that he will be in charge.. he loves the idea he will be the first black in the white house... the people.. and the country come way behind what Obama wants for Obama.. he hasn't even lived long enough to prove he is actually a patriot.. he has done nothing so far for this country.. it has all been about him.

    I'm sorry this is way more than one word..I guess the word is " bravery".. John McCain is a brave man who doesn't give up.. I admire that in him.  I have found nothing yet, to admire about Obama!

  12. self-agrandizing.

    Sure, he tried to undercut this with humility by saying that the sacrifices he has made over his life were because he believes in putting the country before himself.  Obama has also made sacrifices and shown that he loves America.  

    Since the Republicans don't have a platform to run on, they are running on character.  You would certainly have trouble attacking McCain's character--he has proven that he has dedicated his life to helping America.  However, if Republicans stick to the truth, they'll have trouble attacking the character of Obama.  Unless you find that you just can't trust one of the candidates, I think you should pick the one that has the best practical ideas for making the country a better place for most Americans--not the one you like the best or think is coolest.

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