
In order for McCain to obtain a overwhelming victory, could you support a McCain-Hillary ticket?

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In order for McCain to obtain a overwhelming victory, could you support a McCain-Hillary ticket?




  1. nope. Obama is sreiously dangerous, but Hitlery is as well.  

  2. Yes, certainly

  3. Yes, that would be a million miles better than Obama/Sinclair. Erm, I mean Biden.

  4. Absolutely not!! Hillary is no better for our country than Donald Duck

  5. No McCain is old school politics, nothing would change with his administration.  The United States needs to move in a new direction.  I just read about the people working for his campaign, they are all lobbyists for major corporations.  A Vote for McCain is a vote for corporations getting even more power, and driving the United States further toward third world status.

  6. It is funny how many people think that the Republican's only chance to take the White House after this Bush fiasco is to take a Dem for VP along with a guy for President who almost bolted the Republican party.

  7. Well ... maybe.

    McCain may die a year into his office term, that would make Hillary the defacto presidente so yeah... maybe...

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