
In order for cheese to be kosher, does the rennin/rennet used t make cheese have to come from a ...?

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cow that was slaughtered by shechitah (i.e., kosher method)? Are there any varying opinions on this issue?




  1. Any product that involves the death of the animal must come from a kosher animal that has been slaughtered according to Halacha.

    I'm not quite sure what rennet is exactly, but wouldn't that be against the law of mixing meat and dairy?

  2. You can make cheese without rennet

  3. Rennet derived from animals must come from kosher-slaughtered animals.

    But nowadays, most rennet used in kosher cheeses is artificial.

  4. I have never bought Kosher cheese containing any animal rennets.

  5. Huh? If it has animal rennets, it's not kosher, is it?

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