
In order for intelligent extraterrestrial life to exist, why is it required they show themselves?

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In my opinion humans are very primitive creatures. How long have we been on this earth, and still cannot efficiently coexist, we also destroy our own environment. We can not accept each others differences, in religion, opinion, or sexual preferences. We can not come to terms that every human is an equal being, poor, rich, intelligent, or ignorant. Nor can we equally distribute food, clothes, shelter and education to those who need it. We are constantly at war with each other in some way.

If there was a peaceful being intelligent enough to visit this planet. Why would they want to communicate with such violent and ignorant beings? Any human has enough sense not to walk into the middle of a battle between two lions or two bears and introduce themselves as a human being and offer them technology. Why would an extra terrestrial do the same?

What do you think?




  1. Well, you are pretty much wrong right across the board.

    Lets see, we had telescopes for several hundred years, but its only from the 1920s that we started to figure out that what we now know of as galaxies were much farther away than was previously thought. It wasn't until sufficiently large telescopes were available that this area of astronomy was able to progress.

    Next, it was easily provable for literally several thousand years that the Earth was round without needing to be to fly or orbit it so as to see it. Some basic math and observations was all that was needed.

    Next, on your points about equality, what you fail to grasp is that people are DIFFERENT, and so, you can have *either equality of opportunity OR equality of result (enforced)*.

    In order for the statement "There is intelligent extraterrestrial life" to be true, there would need to be some EVIDENCE that supported that statement. Until there is some, that statement is not true.

  2. its called epistemological empiricism and modern science is based on it .

    look it up

  3. based off of your title. I'll read the rest in a second.  That in order for the intelligent life to exist to us, it must reveal itself.  Otherwise how do we know it exists? (faith?)

    For the rest of your question.  You think that everyone is like the people you describe as "we".  I believe that it is only the controlling few that create all that you have described.  At least I know that I'm very tolerant.

  4. They do exist and they will never be able to show themselves as we are unable to show ourselves to them.

  5. People have wondered about this for years.  

    There is no reason to think that Earth is particularly unusual except for the fact that Earth has a huge Moon relative to it's size.  The fact that it has this and is close to the central star makes it unique in this solar system.  I am convinced that the Moon is a major factor in the appearance of life on Earth, this isn't some "mystical" influence but has to do with chemistry and the tides in the oceans.  But I may be wrong.  

    Life on some other planet is not necessarily intelligent.  For most of the history of life on Earth, perhaps all but the last 600-800 million years the only life here was bacteria and related stuff.  So there is no reason to think that life on other planets has got any further.  

    Right up to about two million years ago the smartest things around were perhaps apes.  So there is no reason to think that life on other planets has got any further.

    What this means is that planets with intelligent life might be few and far between.  Some informed guesses say there might be only one in this galaxy, and that is us.  Others suggest anything from one more to maybe 25 in all.  Given the actual size of the galaxy, if these 25 intelligent life forms were scattered around more or less evenly, there is no conceivable technology that would allow them to contact each other, either by message or physically.  

    It is within living memory that people were saying that space flight to the Moon was impossible.  It was done nearly 40 years ago. But even 70 years ago the basic technologies, rocket propulsion, radio and to some extent, computers, existed.

    You are asking about greed, war, prejudice and so forth.  It is pretty clear that some of these come from instincts that are essential to group though not individual survival.  

    I could type for hours on this.  There is a book published several years ago that is pretty relevant to this.  "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond.   He explains why some societies became wealthy and advanced (which is pretty much the same thing) and why some did not.  It has little to do with guns, steel or germs, that title may have been chosen by his publisher.

  6. People require they show themselves because in doing that it brings hope and satisfaction to those people. Think of it like this, you want to know if you have won lotto because you know if you did it would make your life very interesting, so you buzz to find the answer. As for your description i think your spot on there. Them coming and saying hello would be like osama bin laden standing outside the white house with his farrari parked in an un-guarded prison compound.

  7. They are only required to communicate us to satisfy our own need to know. Did Columbus discover America? Not having knowledge of their  existence does not prove the do not exist.

  8. firstly, no, it is not required they show themselves. they to might be like us and still be unable to travel through space. however if they could, would we not seem bruttish and violent. why would they want o risk one of thier own species to such an aggressive and destructive culture as ours?

    Quite simply they wouldnt do it. It doesnt make any sense as to why they would give us technology, unless one thought they could help us save the planet and ourselves (i.e. something that increases crop output) but still you have the whole walking inbetween two missiles/bears/lions/tigers.

    It is however, not only because we are primitive, we all think with seperate minds. Most people in a dangerous situation will save their own skin, not anothers. But then you get into ethics, what is human. etc. so no, I dont think they would contact us, let alone give us anything.

    But then, why should they give us smething?

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