
In order for radiant energy to change to thermal energy, it must be...

by  |  earlier

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a) reflected

b) absorbed

c) conducted

d) convected




  1. b) Absorbed

    a) Radiant energy is electromagnetic energy like photons.  For those photons to turn into heat (thermal energy) they much be reflected from an object as it ABSORBS the energy.

    b) Radiant energy is converted to thermal energy when it hits an object and it its radiation is changed to thermal.

    c)  Radiant energy doesn't need to be conducted or need a medium to carry it unlike sound waves.

    d)  Radiant energy doesn't have to be convected either which is just another way of moving it around.

    If you lie out in the hot sun then you warm up as you absorb the sunlight, that heat can be conducted, convected or reflected; but first it has to be ABSORBED.

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