
In order to make irish soda bread how do i sour the milk in order to mimic buttermilk,icant get it anywhere?

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In order to make irish soda bread how do i sour the milk in order to mimic buttermilk,icant get it anywhere?




  1. Take a "one cup" measuring cup and put 1 tablespoon of either lemon juice or any kind of vinegar along with milk to make it equal one cup and let stand for 5 minutes.  Now you have a great buttermilk for any recipe.

  2. If you have no white vinegar, add lemon juice.

  3. Supermarkets definitely sell buttermilk i have got it from there, did you ask any staff?

  4. To each cup of milk, add tsp. of white vinegar.  Let sit for five minutes.  You know have buttermilk to make your soda bread.  Enjoy and Happy St. Paddy's Day!

  5. Drop a few drops of lemon juice in the milk, stir and leave on the side for a day or so.


    This is the same answer I gave yesterday to the nearly same question asked by you;

    If you are looking for buttermilk as an ingredient in a recipe, here is a quick and easy substitution:

    The ratio is simple:

    1/2 pt regular milk (240 ml)

    + 1 TBSP (15 ml) cider vinegar

    = 1/2 pt buttermilk or sour milk

    Simply mix the above in a glass measure cup, leave sit for approx 5 minutes. Stir before addition to the recipe - yes, it may look curdled which is fine and won't affect the final product!

    This ratio can be altered to make the quantity needed for a recipe; i.e. if only 120 ml is needed, then add only 1/2 the quantity of vinegar.


  7. where i live in south of england sainsburys had butter milk yesterday, in the fresh cream section. i think  u can use lemon juice to sou r it tho.

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